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Transfer Pricing
Online Course
Online, Noord-Brabant
November 21st, 2013
How to deal with international Transfer Pricing risk?
Transfer Pricing has drawn the attention of tax authorities worldwide. New rules, documentation requirements and different interpretation given to the OECD Transfer Pricing guidelines by both tax authorities and multinationals have..
Transfer Pricing and Intellectual Property
November 21st, 2013
Transfer Pricing and Intangibles, one of the most important areas of Transfer Pricing today!
With the shift towards a more knowledge-based and service-oriented economy, intangible assets such as trademarks, brands, patents, know-how and technology, account for an increasing part of the..
The 2013 Complete Tax Round-Up
Dublin, Dublin, 2
November 19th, 2013
>Corporate tax developments for domestic and international businesses incorporating FA 2013
> Employment taxes, PRSI and USC update
> Personal tax matters 2013
> VAT compliance matters and administrative developments
> Year-end considerations for the corporate..
Tax Leader Summit - Navigating Tax Policy
Napa, California, 94558
November 13th, 2013 - November 14th, 2013
Join your fellow tax department leaders as we explore and establish the best practices for tax departments in an interactive series of panel-focused discussions. Panels will be led by business leaders and consultants, whose ideas and expertise will help us establish tax policy best practices that..
The International Tax Planning Association - Florence Confererence
November 10th, 2013 - November 12th, 2013
Sunday, 10 November
15.00 Registration
18.30 Welcome Reception

Monday, 11 November
09.00 The Changing Face of Italian Tax Planning – Alessandro Belluzzo
09.40 Understanding Recent Trust Cases – Mark Bridges
10.20 Coffee
The Definitive Permanent Establishment Mastercourse 2013
London, England
November 5th, 2013
IBC's Permanent Establishment master course is the only seminar in the market dealing specifically with the Permanent Establishment issues facing multinational enterprises
TEI-SJSU High Tech Tax Institute
Palo Alto, California, 94306
November 4th, 2013 - November 5th, 2013
The 29th Annual TEI-SJSU High Tech Tax Institute presents an opportunity to delve deep into current tax issues and developments relevant to high tech companies. There are nationally-recognized speakers from industry, law and CPA firms and the IRS, as well as great networking opportunities.
Educational Institutions Payroll Conference
Long Beach, California, 90802
November 3rd, 2013 - November 6th, 2013
Educational Institutions Payroll Conference
APA's Educational Institutions Payroll Conference focuses on compliance issues impacting payroll professionals working in the higher education community. The three-and-a-half-day curriculum addresses nonresident alien payroll taxation, visas,..
Basic ASC 740 Training That Works
Santa Clara, California, 95054
November 1st, 2013
You have attended all the university and/or corporate in-house trainings on ASC 740 and tax provision preparation, but you continue to struggle in this area. I can show you a framework that helps accelerate ASC 740 comprehension. Even better, I can teach you how to utilize the framework to improve..
Government/Public Sector Preparing for Year-End and 2014
Multiple Cities
October 28th, 2013 - November 1st, 2013
Government/Public Sector Preparing for Year-End and 2014

Addressing complex issues of year-end payroll processing for government/public sector employers, this one-day seminar provides the latest legislative and regulatory developments to ensure an error-free year-end payroll..
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